unity input axis

Unity is the ultimate game development platform. Use Unity to build high-quality 3D and 2D games, deploy them across mobile, desktop, VR/AR, consoles or the Web, and connect with loyal and enthusiastic players and customers.

相關軟體 Auto Window Manager 下載

Auto Window Manager automatically manages any window that you specify. By using Auto Window Manager, you can set windows to automatically maximize (minimize, normal, minimize to tray, stay on to...

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  • Unity is the ultimate game development platform. Use Unity to build high-quality 3D and 2D...
    Adding extra axes to the input manager - Unity Answers ...
  • Unity .getAxis(string name) seems to return the thought offset generated by user input (ar...
    c# - What parameters can I use with Unity Input.getAxis? - ...
  • Hey guys, I recently got a Logitech F510 gamepad and am trying to set up some game control...
    Gamepad Input Axis? | Unity Community
  • 2013年1月8日 - The triggers on xbox controller are axis, and when switching ... they do not ...
    How to treat Input.GetAxis as Input.GetButtonDown? - Unity Answers
  • Watch this video in context on Unity's learning pages here - http://unity3d.com/learn/...
    Input - GetAxis - Unity Official Tutorials - YouTube
  • Watch this video in context on Unity's learning pages here - http://unity3d.com/learn/...
    Input - GetAxis - Unity Official Tutorials - YouTube ...
  • I am trying to rotate the input axis by an angle offset, depending on where the character ...
    Input Axis Rotation in Unity | Unity Community ...
  • I had a code in Unity UnityScript, it was working in the morning, and I did not change any...
    keyboard - Input.GetAxis("Vertical") returns -1 by ...
  • 2013年7月31日 - Replace Input. Get Axis (Horizontal) with touch input. Am practicing for qui...
    Replace Input. Get Axis (Horizontal) with touch input - Unity Answers
  • How to "get axis" based input for your games in Unity and how these axes can be ...
    Unity - GetAxis
  • Unity supports keyboard, joystick and gamepad input. Virtual axes and buttons can be creat...
    Unity - Manual: Conventional Game Input
  • Input Manager. The Input Manager is where you define all the different input axes and game...
    Unity - Manual: Input Manager
  • Use this class to read the axes set up in the Input Manager, and to access multi-touch/acc...
    Unity - Scripting API: Input - Unity - Manual: Unity User Ma ...
  • The value will be in the range -1...1 for keyboard and joystick input. If the axis is setu...
    Unity - Scripting API: Input.GetAxis
  • The value will be in the range -1...1 for keyboard and joystick input. If the axis is setu...
    Unity - Scripting API: Input.GetAxis - Unity - Manual: Unity ...
  • Returns the value of the virtual axis identified by axisName with no smoothing filtering a...
    Unity - Scripting API: Input.GetAxisRaw
  • Resets all input. After ResetInputAxes all axes return to 0 and all buttons return to 0 fo...
    Unity - Scripting API: Input.ResetInputAxes
  • Buttons can either be fetched using Input.GetButton, or, if using an axis in the InputMana...
    Xbox360Controller - Unify Community Wiki